In 2016 the programm of the Neighborhood Academy will focus on the topic

Collective Learning – Creating local and global neighbourhoods

We are engaged in

Local and global exchange between urban and rural communities
Right to the city
Socio-ecological transformation from the bottom-up
Self-organized learning

In cooperation with practitioners, artists, scholars, and different initiatives we are currently working on:

The Arbour – A self-build experimental architecture in Prinzessinnengärten, which will serve as an open space for learning and exchange

MAZI – building local, community wireless networks

ZUsammenKUNFT – a pilot project on living and working with refugees

Moritzplatz Futures – a long-term neighbourhood oriented, social and ecological development of the site at Moritzplatz in Berlin-Kreuzberg

In 2016 we collaborate with

R-Urban (Paris, Colombes), Michelle Teran (Berlin, Madrid), Design for the Living World / Marjetica Potrc (HFBK Hamburg), Brett Bloom (Chicago), Paula Z. Segal (596 Acres, New York), hiddenecomonies (Aarhus), Design Research Lab (UdK, Berlin), Z/KU, campus cosmopolis, THF 100, Kotti & Co, Stadt von Unten, and Berliner Hefte.

The program of the Neighbourhood Academy is curated by

Robert Burghardt, Elizabeth Calderon-Lüning, and Anna Heilgemeir (common grounds), Marco Clausen (Prinzessinnengärten), and Asa Sonjasdotter.