Florian Wüst


Florian Wüst is a Berlin based visual artist and independent film curator. His work revolves around the history of post-war Germany and modern social, economic and technical progress. Wüst frequently writes and lectures about topics related to film and society. A reoccurring topic in his work is the city. The DVD The modern city. Film-Essays on new urbanities in the 1950/60s, co-edited by Wüst and Ralph Eue, was published in 2015. In 2008, he published the book Who says concrete doesn’t burn, have you tried? Film in West-Berlin in the 1980s, together with Stefanie Schulte Strathaus.

Florian Wüst und Ralph Eue: Die moderne Stadt

Florian Wüst und Ralph Eue: Die moderne Stadt

Incorporated in the Neighborhood Academy, Florian Wüst is curating a film-program referencing to land-issues,  tenant struggles and self-sufficiency in the city and on the countryside.

more on Florian Wüst